Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mexico Part 3: Tulum and Playa again

For my last Blog post about Mexico, here are some assorted pictures from Tulum and Playa del Carmen. We spent the last week or so lounging on the beach, reading and frolicking in the waves. For two nights, we moved over to Cabanas Copal which is fancier than Papaya Playa and has a spa and, a couple nights a week, a Mayan Ritual called a Temazcal which is a 2+ hour long sweat lodge ceremony where we inhale and chant and generally meditate and sweat. That was a really great, spiritual experience despite the touristy intention of it.

On the beach, there were some really creative and talented people who made some cool sand scupltures:


Sand Sculpture

Sand Turtle

Here is the view from our Cabana at Papaya Playa:
Cabana Once

This tiny translucent crab waddled across the sand intimidatingly.

At Cabanas Copal, there were two beggar cats at every meal. The big one was blind and slow but sweet and the little one was wily and greedy.

A few days before in Playa, we ate at a mostly-vegetarian and all-healthy restaurant called 100% Natural. To show how health-conscious they were, they filled their fountain with fruit. The food was great. Instead of chips and salsa they served whole wheat bread with salsa and sour cream and chives.
100% Natural

The night before, I decided to bite the bullet and risk some street food. I was glad I did, because the tacos were awesome. Definitely the best mexican food I had down there!
Street Food

A tiny scruffy kitten that lived near our hotel

And finally, a real live Mexican Mariachi Band roaming the streets of Playa.

Right now we are in New Orleans experiencing Mardi Gras first hand. We've already gone to a parade and toured the lower 9. More adventures to come!
Here is a taste:


  1. Hi Angelica and Jim
    Awesome, awesome and awesome! Such incredible photos and stories. I feel like I am right there with you and am so so happy you are having these truly special moments. You are amazing! Love you both! and am sending hugs, along with Kira, Cinnamon, Adam, Ginger and Kailee (et al)!

  2. Hey Pretty Girl!!! Looks like you made it to New Orleans! I've never seen so many beads in my life! I have been thinking of you guys and missing you both. Debby Court and Largo seem a lot emptier without you. I hope you have a blast at Mardi Gras and can't wait to see and hear all about it!
    Always Your Debs
