Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Everything's coming along

Things have been going very well so far. We spent the last two nights in the van and I have to say, it was the perfect picture of comfort. I haven't slept this well in a long time. I don't know if it's the comfortable bed or the fact that it's mine but I can't wait to spend a lot more time inside.

Once we bought the van, we still had a few more tasks to complete before it was ready for the road. We had to get it registered, get our license plates, get insurance. After that all we had to do was pass an emissions inspection. Our baby aced it with flying colors. As of now, all of these items are done. The insurance was a bit pricey but it takes effect at 12:01am tonight. We wait with baited breath until we can get this mean machine on the road where it belongs.

Tomorrow, we're going to make our first major trip on the van. It also happens to be our first international trip. We're crossing the border into Canada to vist Angelica's family. We plan to sleep in the van during our visit so hopefully we can find a place to hook up the power in the driveway. I will try to detail our plans for an upgrade to the electrical systems in the next few posts.

In preparation for our trip, I decided to learn some of the basics of vehicle maintenance. I am pictured above putting the finishing touches on my first tire change. I felt very manly afterwards. A new skill under my belt always makes me feel good. The rest of the day will be spent cleaning out the various accoutrements. Till next time!


  1. By finishing touches do you mean a skull and crossbones "Jen'ya wuzz here '09" ?

  2. I didn't write that comment above.
